Live a better new grad story.
Courses, Community, and Coaching for the new grad nurse who wants to thrive.
Raise your confidence
Build your competence
Live a better new grad story
Nursing school focused on helping you pass your NCLEX.
But you feel underprepared for the real world of nursing
Clinicals were limited (or nonexistent) during COVID
Your preceptor graduated six months before you
You worked hard to become a nurse and want to take great care of your patients but you don’t know where to start
Straight A Nursing and Hello Healer have teamed up to bring you The Confident Nurse Academy.
A 6-month guided virtual residency program for new grad RNs and LPNs.
On-demand Lectures
AKI. GI bleeds. Sepsis.
Shift organization.
Emotional Intelligence.
If it’s nursey, we cover it in our lecture series.
Learn how to be a nurse in the real world with our updated evidence-based clinical content coupled with our years of nursing (and teaching) experience.
Why wait years to get the good stuff when you can have it in the pocket of your scrubs now?
Live Coaching
You’re on your feet 12 hours a day doing backbreaking work with a full bladder. If that’s not athlete status, what is?
If the best professionals have coaches - and their work isn’t life or death, why not you?
Learn to play to your strengths, mitigate the negative impacts of being in healthcare, build your resilience and much much more on our live bi-weekly coaching calls.
A Supportive Community
You deserve to be surrounded by like-minded nurses who are starting their careers proactively and guess what? You can be!
Meet your new nurse bestie in our amazing Confident Nurse Academy community where you’ll get the support you need and deserve.
You don’t have to muscle your way through new grad life alone. We’ve got your back inside our amazing new grad community!
We get it – being a new grad is hard.
And let’s face it - being a nurse is hard! Here’s the thing: nursing doesn’t get easier. YOU get stronger.
In this profession, it’s not enough to be caring. Nurses also need to be competent. All the caring in the world won’t translate to competence at the bedside without good teaching coupled with good clinical practice. But HOW do you get there, when you’re brand new?!
Confident Nurse Academy is a 6-month guided residency program that teaches you how to be a nurse, in the real world. Taught by Nurse Mo from Straight A Nursing, and nursing professor Nurse Steph from Hello Healer, Confident Nurse Academy helps you bridge the gap from books to bedside so you can confidently (and competently) care for your patients.
It’s like having a preceptor in your pocket.
How it Works
1. Enroll in Confident Nurse Academy
You are a click away from some of the best lectures of your nurse life. Yep, we are confident in our ability to help you grow in your clinical competence because we help you understand the why behind what we do as nurses everyday.
2. Get a plan
Being a new grad nurse can feel like you’re running a code by yourself. We help you know what to do - and in which order - so you can rock your shift like a pro and give great patient care.
3. Live a better new grad story
Sleep better. Know the ‘why’ behind your tasks. Call that doctor like a pro. Leave work at work. Enjoy the career you worked so hard for. It’s possible to live a better new grad story, starting today.